My story…

About me

Hi there! I'm Christina

I have been a stay at home mom for 17 years! I have 2 teenage boys and 2 boy dogs (boy am I outnumbered, no pun intended!!) I used to work at a mortgage company prior to starting a family. The decision to leave my job to become a full time mom wasn’t the easiest. The thought of entering a new “job” that I knew nothing about scared the shit out of me. But I did it.

We’ve moved quite a bit in my adult life after my first born. I was born and raised in Bethlehem, PA. We were living in Olney, MD when I gave birth. Moved back to Bethlehem for a hot minute, then onto MN and finally (for now) I reside in Yorba Linda, CA. Aside from my hometown, MN is where I spent the longest time. I was beyond lucky to have met such wonderful neighbors who have become life long friends. I was a brand new mom with no family around. These individuals became apart of my village and I can honestly say that without them I’m not quite sure I’d have the strength to push myself forward.

We moved to CA when my oldest was 12 and the youngest 9. That was one of the hardest challenges I had faced as a mother. The guilt and the constant questioning if we made the right decision. And not only did we move our kids out of their hometown of MN, we decided that our marriage wasn’t working. I mean, seriously? How much more can any of us take?

I have been struggling for a very long time to find myself again. To find a passion that pulls me out of bed in the morning. To find that courage to overcome my doubts. To find the confidence to belief in myself. And then I had an epiphany one day. It was as though someone pulled the shades up and the light shone in. I realized that my passion has been right in front of me this whole time. My love for cooking! I grew up watching and learning how to cook from my mom and grandmother. My mom would make fancy meals on Sunday straight out of Bon Apetite. I remember like it was yesterday watching football with my dad on Sundays with the fireplace roaring and the smells coming from the kitchen making our mouths water. During the week she made her go to dinners. The tried and true ones. No fancy spices, speciality ingredients just everyday ingredients that turned into something amazing.

Thinking of the possibilities

So I decided that I am ready to start this journey and embrace this newfound realization. I want to prove to myself that I can do this. This blog might start off a bit haywired but I hope you enjoy my recipes and follow me on this newfound journey. It’s not only great food, but a good story too!
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